***********************WILLIAMS AND SCHOONVELDE SSQ REPLICATION FILE********************** ***********************JULY 11, 2018********************************************* ***LOAD DATA *use file called CW_MS_SSQ_REPLICATION_DATA.dta avaiable on author website ***DURBIN-WATSON TEST FOR SERIAL CORRELATION (TABLE A.1 OF APPENDIX - SEE AUTHOR WEBSITE) *Crime; no media reg jw_iprefs spending_perc gdp_growth if policy_code_10==2 estat dwatson *Defense; no media reg jw_iprefs spending_perc gdp_growth if policy_code_10==3 estat dwatson *Education; no media reg jw_iprefs spending_perc gdp_growth if policy_code_10==4 estat dwatson *Environment; no media reg jw_iprefs spending_perc gdp_growth if policy_code_10==5 estat dwatson *Health; no media reg jw_iprefs spending_perc gdp_growth if policy_code_10==6 estat dwatson *Welfare; no media reg jw_iprefs spending_perc gdp_growth if policy_code_10==8 estat dwatson *Crime; media reg jw_iprefs spending_perc norm_media_round gdp_growth if policy_code_10==2 estat dwatson *Defense; media reg jw_iprefs spending_perc norm_media_round gdp_growth if policy_code_10==3 estat dwatson *Education; media reg jw_iprefs spending_perc norm_media_round gdp_growth if policy_code_10==4 estat dwatson *Environment; media reg jw_iprefs spending_perc norm_media_round gdp_growth if policy_code_10==5 estat dwatson *Health; media reg jw_iprefs spending_perc norm_media_round gdp_growth if policy_code_10==6 estat dwatson *Welfare; media reg jw_iprefs spending_perc norm_media_round gdp_growth if policy_code_10==8 estat dwatson ***DICKEY-FULLER TEST FOR STATIONARITY (TABLE A.2 OF APPENDIX - SEE AUTHOR WEBSITE) *Crime //Before first differencing twoway (line jw_iprefs year if policy_code_10==2) dfuller jw_iprefs if policy_code_10==2, lags(1) trend //HAS UNIT ROOT //After first differencing twoway (line d.jw_iprefs year if policy_code_10==2) dfuller d.jw_iprefs if policy_code_10==2, lags(1) trend //STATIONARY *Defense //Before first differencing twoway (line jw_iprefs year if policy_code_10==3) dfuller jw_iprefs if policy_code_10==3, lags(1) trend //HAS UNIT ROOT //After first differencing twoway (line d.jw_iprefs year if policy_code_10==3) dfuller d.jw_iprefs if policy_code_10==3, lags(1) trend //STATIONARY *Education //Before first differencing twoway (line jw_iprefs year if policy_code_10==4) dfuller jw_iprefs if policy_code_10==4, lags(1) trend //HAS UNIT ROOT //After first differencing twoway (line d.jw_iprefs year if policy_code_10==4) dfuller d.jw_iprefs if policy_code_10==4, lags(1) trend //STATIONARY *Environment //Before first differencing twoway (line jw_iprefs year if policy_code_10==5) dfuller jw_iprefs if policy_code_10==5, lags(1) trend //HAS UNIT ROOT //After first differencing twoway (line d.jw_iprefs year if policy_code_10==5) dfuller d.jw_iprefs if policy_code_10==5, lags(1) trend //STATIONARY *Health //Before first differencing twoway (line jw_iprefs year if policy_code_10==6) dfuller jw_iprefs if policy_code_10==6, lags(1) trend //HAS UNIT ROOT //After first differencing twoway (line d.jw_iprefs year if policy_code_10==6) dfuller d.jw_iprefs if policy_code_10==6, lags(1) trend //STATIONARY *Welfare //Before first differencing twoway (line jw_iprefs year if policy_code_10==8) dfuller jw_iprefs if policy_code_10==8, lags(1) trend //HAS UNIT ROOT //After first differencing twoway (line d.jw_iprefs year if policy_code_10==8) dfuller d.jw_iprefs if policy_code_10==8, lags(1) trend //STATIONARY ***DICKEY-FULLER TEST FOR COINTEGRATION (TABLE A.3 OF APPENDIX - SEE AUTHOR WEBSITE) *Crime; no media reg jw_iprefs spending_perc pres_rile leg_rile gdp_growth if policy_code_10==2 & year>=1972 predict e, resid dfuller e if policy_code_10==2, lag(1) drop e *Defense; no media reg jw_iprefs spending_perc pres_rile leg_rile gdp_growth if policy_code_10==3 & year>=1972 predict e, resid dfuller e if policy_code_10==3, lag(1) drop e *Education; no media reg jw_iprefs spending_perc pres_rile leg_rile gdp_growth if policy_code_10==4 & year>=1972 predict e, resid dfuller e if policy_code_10==4, lag(1) drop e *Environment; no media reg jw_iprefs spending_perc pres_rile leg_rile gdp_growth if policy_code_10==5 & year>=1972 predict e, resid dfuller e if policy_code_10==5, lag(1) drop e *Health; no media reg jw_iprefs spending_perc pres_rile leg_rile gdp_growth if policy_code_10==6 & year>=1972 predict e, resid dfuller e if policy_code_10==6, lag(1) drop e *Welfare; no media reg jw_iprefs spending_perc pres_rile leg_rile gdp_growth if policy_code_10==8 & year>=1972 predict e, resid dfuller e if policy_code_10==8, lag(1) drop e *Crime; media reg jw_iprefs spending_perc norm_media_round pres_rile leg_rile gdp_growth if policy_code_10==2 & year>=1972 predict e, resid dfuller e if policy_code_10==2, lag(1) drop e *Defense; media reg jw_iprefs spending_perc norm_media_round pres_rile leg_rile gdp_growth if policy_code_10==3 & year>=1972 predict e, resid dfuller e if policy_code_10==3, lag(1) drop e *Education; media reg jw_iprefs spending_perc norm_media_round pres_rile leg_rile gdp_growth if policy_code_10==4 & year>=1972 predict e, resid dfuller e if policy_code_10==4, lag(1) drop e *Environment; media reg jw_iprefs spending_perc norm_media_round pres_rile leg_rile gdp_growth if policy_code_10==5 & year>=1972 predict e, resid dfuller e if policy_code_10==5, lag(1) drop e *Health; media reg jw_iprefs spending_perc norm_media_round pres_rile leg_rile gdp_growth if policy_code_10==6 & year>=1972 predict e, resid dfuller e if policy_code_10==6, lag(1) drop e *Welfare; media reg jw_iprefs spending_perc norm_media_round pres_rile leg_rile gdp_growth if policy_code_10==8 & year>=1972 predict e, resid dfuller e if policy_code_10==8, lag(1) drop e ***ROBUSTNESS CHECK OF EACH POLICY AREA WITHOUT MEDIA SALIENCE VARIABLE (TABLE A.4 OF APPENDIX - SEE AUTHOR WEBSITE) *Model A.1 - Crime Policy reg d.jw_iprefs_100 l.jw_iprefs_100 d.spending_perc l.spending_perc l.pres_rile l.leg_rile gdp_growth if uk==0 & policy_code_10==2, vce(robust) *Model A.2 - Defense Policy reg d.jw_iprefs_100 l.jw_iprefs_100 d.spending_perc l.spending_perc l.pres_rile l.leg_rile gdp_growth if uk==0 & policy_code_10==3, vce(robust) *Model A.3 - Education Policy reg d.jw_iprefs_100 l.jw_iprefs_100 d.spending_perc l.spending_perc l.pres_rile l.leg_rile gdp_growth if uk==0 & policy_code_10==4, vce(robust) *Model A.4 - Environment Policy reg d.jw_iprefs_100 l.jw_iprefs_100 d.spending_perc l.spending_perc l.pres_rile l.leg_rile gdp_growth if uk==0 & policy_code_10==5, vce(robust) *Model A.5 - Health Policy reg d.jw_iprefs_100 l.jw_iprefs_100 d.spending_perc l.spending_perc l.pres_rile l.leg_rile gdp_growth if uk==0 & policy_code_10==6, vce(robust) *Model A.6 - Welfare Policy reg d.jw_iprefs_100 l.jw_iprefs_100 d.spending_perc l.spending_perc l.pres_rile l.leg_rile gdp_growth if uk==0 & policy_code_10==8, vce(robust) ***ROBUSTNESS CHECK OF MAIN FINDINGS EXCLUDING WELFARE POLICY (TABLE A.5 OF APPENDIX - SEE AUTHOR WEBSITE) *Model A.7 - Excludes Welfare Policy xtreg d.jw_iprefs_100 l.jw_iprefs_100 d.spending_perc l.spending_perc l.pres_rile l.leg_rile gdp_growth if uk==0 & policy_code_10<7, vce(robust) *Model A.8 - Excludes Welfare Policy xtreg d.jw_iprefs_100 l.jw_iprefs_100 d.spending_perc l.spending_perc d.norm_media_round l.norm_media_round l.pres_rile l.leg_rile gdp_growth if uk==0 & policy_code_10<7, vce(robust) *Model A.9 - Excludes Welfare Policy xtreg d.jw_iprefs_100 l.jw_iprefs_100 c.d.spending_perc##c.d.norm_media_round c.l.spending_perc##c.l.norm_media_round l.pres_rile l.leg_rile gdp_growth if uk==0 & policy_code_10<7, vce(robust) ***DESCRIPTIVE STATITISTICS (TABLE 1 OF ARTICLE) *PUBLIC PREFERENCES BY POLICY AREA by policy_code_10: su jw_iprefs_100 if policy_code_10<10 & jw_iprefs!=. & spending_perc!=. & norm_media_round!=. & uk==0 *GDP, PRESIDENTIAL AND CONGRESSIONAL RILE su gdp_growth pres_rile leg_rile if jw_iprefs!=. & spending_perc!=. & norm_media_round!=. & uk==0 ***MAIN MODELS (TABLE 2 OF ARTICLE) *MODEL 1 xtreg d.jw_iprefs_100 l.jw_iprefs_100 d.spending_perc l.spending_perc l.pres_rile l.leg_rile gdp_growth if uk==0 & policy_code_10!=7, vce(robust) *MODEL 2 xtreg d.jw_iprefs_100 l.jw_iprefs_100 d.spending_perc l.spending_perc d.norm_media_round l.norm_media_round l.pres_rile l.leg_rile gdp_growth if uk==0 & policy_code_10!=7, vce(robust) *MODEL 3 xtreg d.jw_iprefs_100 l.jw_iprefs_100 c.d.spending_perc##c.d.norm_media_round c.l.spending_perc##c.l.norm_media_round l.pres_rile l.leg_rile gdp_growth if uk==0 & policy_code_10!=7, vce(robust) ***MAIN MODELS USING NOMINATE SCORES FOR ROBUSTNESS *MODEL 1 WITH NOMINATE xtreg d.jw_iprefs_100 l.jw_iprefs_100 d.spending_perc l.spending_perc l.pres_NOMINATE l.leg_NOMINATE gdp_growth if uk==0 & policy_code_10!=7, vce(robust) *MODEL 2 WITH NOMINATE xtreg d.jw_iprefs_100 l.jw_iprefs_100 d.spending_perc l.spending_perc d.norm_media_round l.norm_media_round l.pres_NOMINATE l.leg_NOMINATE gdp_growth if uk==0 & policy_code_10!=7, vce(robust) *MODEL 3 WITH NOMINATE xtreg d.jw_iprefs_100 l.jw_iprefs_100 c.d.spending_perc##c.d.norm_media_round c.l.spending_perc##c.l.norm_media_round l.pres_NOMINATE l.leg_NOMINATE gdp_growth if uk==0 & policy_code_10!=7, vce(robust) ***FOOTNOTE 7 - PEARSON'S R corr spending_perc norm_media_round